Each Room Has a Different Mat Arrangement
It is often believed that choosing a mat lies in choosing between low pile mats and shaggy mats, opting for a round mat rather than a square mat, and deciding between branded mats or custom mats.
You’ve managed to make your choice but now that your mat has arrived the question is: where are you going to put it?
You had taken the measurements and you found the arrangement of the mats on Pinterest superb but at home, it does not give the same result!
Yes, a mat that suits one decor will not necessarily suit another unless you do an exact copy and paste and have exactly the same room. But what is the point of being inside another person?
Living room mat layout
Let’s start with the layout of the living room mat which will vary depending on the size and style of your living room as well as the arrangement of your furniture.
Mat layout in a large living room
If you live in a loft-style apartment, that is to say, a large room where many universes come together, you can choose to use a large square mat in order to separate its different spaces.
You can put all the furniture in the TV area on a large mat, for example, but in this case, let the mat protrude on either side of the chosen area. Another possible mat layout is to choose a round mat and put all the furniture around it.
Mat layout in a small living room
In a small living room, the mat will usually go under the coffee table, with the sofa and armchairs at the edges of the living room mat.
The important thing about the living room mat layout is to make sure that the mat is clearly visible so choose a rectangular mat, arrange the sofa and armchairs at the ends of the mat.
Bedroom mat layout
As in the living room, in a bedroom, the arrangement of the mat is multiple. If you are having trouble choosing a mat for your bedroom, cut the pear in half and choose in half: each will go to one side of the bed.
If you want to have a shaggy mat (or shaggy mat), its place is under your bed and it should protrude well so that you can enjoy the softness of the mat when you jump out of bed.
Finally, in the case of the arrangement of a modern mat, it is at the foot of the bed that it will be most in its place.
Put less than a third of the mat under the bed to give the illusion of a larger room and to be pleasantly welcomed into the bedroom.
Mat layout in the dining room
The arrangement of a mat in the dining room is the simplest. Just choose a mat large enough to cover the entire surface that the dining table and chairs rest on.
When taking your measurements, be sure to include extra space around your chairs.
Indeed, when a chair is pulled out, it must remain on the mat otherwise the chair would risk ending up on the edge of the mat which would create an imbalance that would be the cause of an unfortunate fall.