It is everyone’s desire to maintain and uphold the value of our mats because they pose as a window to our personal hygiene.

Not merely does a dirty mat pose as a habitat for small insects but it also makes your visitors cringe and feel disgusted before they make their way into your house. Therefore, not merely do you need to concentrate on different styles on your mats, but you largely need to focus on how to uphold the value of your mats.

Given the dwindling economy around the globe, it’s now challenging than ever to purchase your desired mats now and again.

Therefore, it is essential to grasp and implement some essential tips on how to uphold the value of your mats.


Keep your mats away from direct sunlight.

As much as the sun’s heat is good for our mats, it can damage our mats. Therefore, it is always prudent to minimize the amount of time you leave your mats on direct sun heat. Too much of everything is hazardous.

We are always tempted to hang our mats directly on the sun especially when they are new. Sometimes the reason will be to try and get rid of the smell. But it is always advisable to hang them under the shade because sun heat damages the material of your mats.

2. Store your mats properly.

Depending on the material used on your mats, avoid folding your mats as they might lose that attractive shape, they have.

For example, it sounds absurd to keep a rubber mat folded. Avoid keeping your mats inside the garage or under a lot of properties, unless you no longer deem the value of your mats.

This is because if they are kept under property they will deform and lose that alluring look which tempted you to purchase them from the first place.

We all know a garage isn’t an ideal place to store your mats. This is because there are highly susceptible to oil, grease and dirty car equipment.

3. Use your mats for their intended purpose.

There are different mats in the market, and each type has got its purpose. It’s absurd to use a bathroom mat as an outdoor mat unless your wallet is too fat to enable you to purchase mats every week.

This is because an indoor mat won’t simply survive the harsh uncertain weather conditions of the outside environment. On a different note, your mats speak volumes about you. What will your frequent visitors conclude if they are consistently welcomed with an indoor mat?

4. Don’t soak your mats overnight.

We are constantly tempted to reluctantly put our mats in a bucket full of harsh detergent with the intention to remove those stubborn stains, but some detergents are highly hazardous on your mats.

Instead of getting rid of those stubborn stains, you will end up preparing your mat for a garbage bin. Therefore, always monitor your mat laundry closely and follow the proper procedures of getting rid of stubborn stains using recommended detergents within a specific period of time.

5. Vacuum your walk-off mats.

It is highly recommended to vacuum your walk-off mats on a daily basis. This invariably aids you to get rid of deep-seated trapped debris and any excess oil or any foreign objects.

Also, vacuuming your mats prevents dirt and any debris from being trapped within the mat’s fabric. As a result, your mats will look new for a length of time.

 6. A daily shake of dirt Daily shakes off dirt on your outdoor mat.

It’s not every day you need to wash your outdoor mats and you simultaneously can’t leave the dirty on your mats all because it isn’t the laundry day. When shaking off dirty, make sure you do it at a distance from your indoor. The idea is to prevent shaking off dusty into the house.

7. Always adhere to the instructions on your mat.

Your mats always come with a tag of instructions on how to maintain and uphold their value. Therefore, it’s always wiser to follow those written instructions. By so doing you will invariably take care of your mats as recommended and prolong their lifetime value.

8. Set aside a date for thorough cleaning You typically need to set aside a laundry day for your mats.

This will enable you to specifically concentrate on your mats during a given period. When you have set aside a laundry day for your mats, you will notice and get rid of those stubborn stains which have been disgusting you.

Naturally, human beings tend to invariably do a better job if they utilize the concepts of specialization. Therefore, set aside a day you will specialize in cleaning your mats.

9. Consider re-dying your mats.

It is natural for your mats to lose their lovely color with time. Instead of you throwing them into a garbage bin, re-dye them. Re-dying your mast will be of help especially when you are under financial constraints.

 10. Leave your mats to dry.

Don’t store wet mats they will develop black stains. It’s wiser to make sure your mats are completely dry before carefully storing them in your desired place. It’s normal that we tend to procrastinate to clean our mats after a kid has spilled drink or tea. Sometimes we get too busy and forget to clean up that mat.

Sometimes, it will be raining outside, and we end up procrastinating or completely forgetting to put the mat outside after the rains.

 11. Spotlessly clean the storing place for your mats.

Always set some time aside to properly clean the storing place (where you store your mats). With time your storing place tends to build up dust particles and spider webs.

Therefore, it is essential to clean the storing place every time before storing your clean mats. Make sure to store clean and dirt mats in different places to minimize your efforts of cleaning the storing place after every laundry.

 Key Points to Note; Essential tips on how to take care of our mats;

  • Keep your mats away from direct sunlight
  • Store your mats properly 3. Use your mats for their intended purpose
  • Don’t soak your mats overnight
  • Vacuum your walk-off mats
  • A daily shake of dirt
  • Always adhere to the instructions on your mat
  • Set aside a date for thorough cleaning
  • Consider re-dying your mats
  • Leave your mats to dry
  • Clean the storing place for your mats Conclusively, it is highly recommended to maintain and uphold the value of your mats. Your mats pose as a window to your personal hygiene.